Why I Don't Pick Up My Phone Anymore

June 5, 2023

In today's fast-paced world, where constant communication is the norm, it may seem unusual for someone not to pick up their phone. But let me tell you, there's a method to my madness.

While others are quick to answer every call that comes their way, I've chosen a different path—one that allows me to stay focused, productive, and efficient.

I just want to share with you why I don't pick up my phone and why it's actually a strategic decision.

Uninterrupted Work and Flow State

One of the primary reasons I avoid picking up my phone is to preserve my flow state. When I'm deep in concentration, working on an important project, or in the midst of creative thinking, a phone call can disrupt that flow.

It takes time to mentally shift gears, engage in a conversation, and then try to regain that lost focus.

As a result, I prefer to work uninterrupted, allowing me to accomplish tasks more efficiently and deliver high-quality work.

Additionally, it's important to note that I don't get paid to talk on the phone. While phone calls can sometimes be essential, they often extend far beyond their intended duration.

A seemingly innocent call of 20 minutes can eat up valuable time that could have been spent on other tasks. By avoiding unnecessary calls, I can allocate my time more effectively and prioritize my work.

The Burden of Note-Taking

When you have a conversation over the phone, it's crucial to take notes. After all, you don't want to forget any important details or commitments made during the call.

However, note-taking during a conversation can be challenging. It requires multitasking and split attention, which can result in either missing crucial points or producing incomplete and inaccurate notes.

To avoid this additional burden, I find it more efficient to communicate through written channels such as emails or instant messaging.

This way, everything is documented, clear, and easily referenced later. It saves me the hassle of transcribing information and ensures that important details are accurately recorded.

Not to mention, written communication also allows me to respond at my convenience without feeling rushed or pressured to provide an immediate response.

Convenience and Time-Saving

Let's face it, some things are simply easier to convey in writing. Whether it's sharing complex information, providing detailed instructions, or sharing relevant documents, written communication can be more effective and efficient.

By utilizing email or instant messaging, I can clearly articulate my thoughts, include any necessary attachments, and avoid potential misunderstandings.

Moreover, written communication allows both parties to respond at their convenience. Phone calls often require synchronicity, with both individuals being available and ready to engage in conversation.

On the other hand, written messages allow flexibility in response times, enabling everyone involved to manage their own schedules and priorities. This not only saves my time but also respects the time of others, making it a win-win situation.


In conclusion, my decision not to pick up my phone is not due to negligence or a desire to avoid human interaction.

Rather, it's a strategic choice that allows me to work without interruptions, maintain my flow state, and maximize productivity.

By leveraging written communication, I can save time, provide clear documentation, and ensure efficient collaboration.

So, the next time you try to reach me through a phone call and wonder why I don't pick up, know that it's not personal. It's simply a part of my workflow that enables me to deliver my best work and make the most of my time.

If you want to get in touch, send me an email or drop me a quick message, and we'll find a better way to communicate that benefits both of us.